We hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. We had a blast with the boys this year. Caleb finally understands the concept of Christmas as it relates to Santa Claus and lights, music, ect. He asked almost everyday for the month of December, "Is it Christmas yet?" He would get a present and before he even opened it he would exclaim, "I love this present!" What a guy! Since this was Trevor's first Christmas it was very special. Of course he loved the wrapping paper and the bows the most, but what 7 month old doesn't? He is so precious!
Below, Daddy and Caleb are working hard on the very special plate we made for Grandma and Grandpa with both the boys' handprints on it.

We went to Grandma and Grandpa Meierhofer's for our annual Chrismas Eve get together. All the kid got totally spoiled, of course! Here, Trevor is working hard on the Christmas cookies for Santa.

Ava and Caleb took their job of making cookies for Santa very seriously. After all, you need to make Santa very happy so he brings you lots of presents. They even put extra sprinkles on each cookie!

We opened presents at our house on Christmas day and played with every single toy, game, or crayon that Caleb received. It was lots of fun. The day after, Mommy took the boys to see their great grandma and Uncle Dustin and Aunt Misty in East Texas. Trevor is tearing into his gift from Uncle Dustin and Aunt Misty. Can you tell he loves the tissue paper the best?

Caleb with his infamous "candy cane" pajamas got an awesome Leap Frog writer from his aunt and uncle.

Aunt Misty takes time to take a picture with little Trevor.

Uncle Dustin helps Caleb with his new toy.

My grandma would kill me if she knew anyone else could see this picture, but it is very special to me because she is such a wonderful woman. My two boys with their great grandma! It was such a wonderful Christmas.