Caleb and Trevor love each other so much! They play together already. Caleb will get on the floor and let Trevor chase him around the house. Trevor just giggles and laughs. Anytime Trevor isn't around, Caleb wants to know, "Where is my baby brother?" He tells Trevor he loves him all the time. I am so amazed by the bond they already seem to be forming. The other day Caleb told me Trevor was his best friend. I know they will probably get in many fights along the way, but I hope they can always be best friends! Below, Trevor is standing along with the help of his music table and Caleb puts his arm around him.

This next picture Caleb is singing "Twinkle, twinkle little star" to Trevor. I actually got a video of it but not sure how to upload it yet.

Here, my boys are watching Little Einsteins. It's one of Caleb's favorite shows and Trevor just loves all the music.