Hope everyone had a fabulous Halloween! We had a great time. We started the week with a Halloween birthday party for Brenley at Caleb's school, then trick-or-treating in the park, next dressing up for school, and finally going to our church carnival and off for more trick-0r-treating. It was a fun, but hectic week. Bob and Larry were a hit on Halloween. I think the costumes are cute seperate, but even cuter together!
Caleb was jumping away at his friend's birthday party.

Our pumpkin Trevor and Caleb trick-or-treating in the park.

Going into the church for a fun carnival.

Dancing to the music.

Caleb got a little clown painted on his face, while Trevor had a smiley face painted on his cheek.

Farmer mommy and Trevor the tomato.

We caught up with Baylie(Dorothy), one of Trevor and Caleb's friends at Miss Debby's.

Trevor figured out Daddy had all the candy!

Trevor was soooo sleepy. He just started leaning against my leg and falling asleep!

Caleb getting to trick-or-treat in the neighborhood.

Happy Halloween!