I had to work on Monday and part of the day on Tuesday, so the boys got to spend a lot of time with Grandma Libby since they didn't have school. She took them to the park to ride bikes and to get out some of their energy. They love spending time with their grandparents, so it was a blast for them to spend this time with her.
Caleb and Trevor both have great imaginations. We had a random empty box, so they would each take turns being the dog while the other threw food to the dog in the box. Trevor was first and Caleb fed him hot dogs.
BIG news....we closed on our house!! Tuesday, November 25th we signed a ton of papers, wrote a large check, and ate dinner to celebrate. We drove over to the house, hung out for awhile, then stayed the night on a pile of blankets. It wasn't the best sleep I've ever had, especially being 30 weeks pregnant, but we felt we had to! Caleb took the picture of Michael and I below....we were tired, but super happy. Michael even carried me across the threshold.

Caleb was sooooo excited about his new house!
The boys enjoyed playing soccer inside the empty living area.
I took some "before" pictures because Michael has already started demolishing the things we didn't like. Below is the wet bar that we felt was wasted space for us. Michael already tore this whole area down. Now, we just have to figure out what to do with the plumbing that is still standing in it's place.
Caleb is such a helpful big brother. Sometimes too helpful, and Trevor yells at him and says, "I can do it myself!" When Trevor asked for help with his jammies, Caleb naturally offered his assistance.
I really wanted to do the Dallas YMCA turkey trot this year, so Michael reluctantly agreed. It is not his ideal relaxing holiday experience, but he wanted to do it for me. The boys were both excited, so we got up early Thankgiving day and headed to Dallas to walk our 3 miles. After walking about 1/2 a mile to get to the actual race, we started almost immediately. I knew this was going to be a big event, but I was not prepared for the crowd! After 10 minutes of barely moving (and starting to feel very claustrophobic) we saw an opportunity to escape and we took it! It was a little disappointing, but I got over it after we walked the other 1/2 mile back to the car.
These are our family pics. on our way to the race.
Here is Trevor getting tickled by Daddy.
Michael wanted to get a lot done at the house over the weekend since he doesn't get a lot of free time to do stuff like that, so we spent most of our time after Thanksgiving over there. My mom and I did the crazy Black Friday morning shopping. We started at Kohl's at 4:00 in the morning and ended at Home Depot by 8:00. I was exhausted, but got lots of good gifts!
While Daddy worked at the new house, Caleb got to eat lunch on the fire place due to our lack of seating.
The boys have already spent many hours in our new back yard. They raked leaves and jumped in them, picked up sticks, played in the new big shed. It is one of my favorite parts of the house.
I took the boys back to Grandma and Grandpa's so Michael could get some work done without distractions. Caleb couldn't wait to help Grandma decorate the tree. He loved using the ladder and getting to choose where to put the decorations.
We hope to move into our house soon after we finish the renovations, paint all the rooms, and install the new flooring. I would really like to spend Christmas in the house, but don't want to pressure my hubby too much.
We hope everyone has something to be thankful for and can remeber what matters most. It seems I have heard many sermons on what matters most, and that monetary gain and material things are temporary, and what we need to focus on is our relationship with God and spreading His word and His love throughout the world. My prayer is that we all can remember that.