A couple of weeks ago Ava came to Caleb's soccer game with Grandma and Grandpa. After the game we got to take her to our house for a little playtime with Caleb. They always have a blast with each other, even through the tears and screaming if the other has something that they MUST have! Below Ava is loving on little Trevor before the soccer game. She
loves babies!

Ava and Grandpa are trying to cheer Caleb on, but he doesn't want to leave Ava's side!

Spaghetti picnic outside--a lot easier to clean up.

Caleb and Ava playing in our ball pit. They had so much fun!
Awwwww!! Those two kiddos just love each other, don't they? I have a feeling they're gonna be great friends forever! Thanks for helping to show Ava such a good time!
I love to see how your little ones are growing so fast. Have a great Thanksgiving. Love the Niehaus Family
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