Caleb and Trevor are true boys in that they love everything that relates to the outdoors! They are both adventurous and love to have fun. Caleb is playing on his slide in our back yard.

"Look Mommy and Daddy, I found a bug!" He loves rolie polies because they are nice, but not ants "because they bite us."

Caleb is so sweet. He loves to pick flowers off of our rose bush and give them to mommy and daddy.

Trevor loves to go to the playground and play on the slides already. He is playing peak-a-boo in the tunnel below.

What a big boy! I still can't believe he is turning one this week. It make me sad and happy all at the same time. Caleb will be 4 just in just six more weeks. Where did the time go?

Trevor loves his little swing at the playground. He could sit in it for hours. Michael and I love both of our boys more than we could have ever imagined.
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