Here is Grandma desperately trying to get Trevor to blow out his candle before the wind blew it out for him.
All the kiddos waiting for their cake.
Aunt Sarah pushing the birthday around in his car.

A gift from Miss Debby. A nap map for his upcoming mother's day out program in the fall. He loved all the animals on it.

The bubble blower was a hit. Here is Caleb standing among the many bubbles.
Trevor sharing his chips with his good friend Baylie.
Birthday boy in his hat. I just love to torture the kids with these things!

Trevor with his new Elmo from Grandma and Grandpa. He just loves playing with babies right now, and I felt like Elmo was the most appropriate "baby" for a little boy to have.

This was the morning of Trevor's actual birthday (May 16th). Daddy made him his favorite--pancakes. Yummy!

This was later that day at Miss Debby's. We had pizza and a tiny cookie cake. Look how much Trevor loves the hat Miss Debby made. He is wearing it like a champ! He didn't even want to take it off later for his nap. It took him a minute, but he dug right into the icing just like his first birthday!

Trevor is so nice to share some of his icing with big brother Caleb (or Caca as Trevor calls him). When you ask Trevor what his name is, he lovingly says, "Treasure." Caleb got the short end of the stick on that one.

Caleb took this lovely picture of mommy and T-rev.

Later that day at the local indoor pool. Trevor wasn't feeling so well (those two year molars are doing a job on him).
Trevor got to open his gifts from mommy and daddy. Another Elmo toy that play a lot of music and another toy that he can push around and make a lot of noise with.
Trevor getting very sleepy on his birthday. His shirt said, "It's this little monkey's 2nd birthday."
Trevor chowing down at our favorite local Mexican food restaurand--Baja (Trevor calls it baba-aha). Caleb loves the "squishy cheese."
A gift from Miss Debby. A nap map for his upcoming mother's day out program in the fall. He loved all the animals on it.
The bubble blower was a hit. Here is Caleb standing among the many bubbles.
Trevor with his new Elmo from Grandma and Grandpa. He just loves playing with babies right now, and I felt like Elmo was the most appropriate "baby" for a little boy to have.
This was the morning of Trevor's actual birthday (May 16th). Daddy made him his favorite--pancakes. Yummy!
This was later that day at Miss Debby's. We had pizza and a tiny cookie cake. Look how much Trevor loves the hat Miss Debby made. He is wearing it like a champ! He didn't even want to take it off later for his nap. It took him a minute, but he dug right into the icing just like his first birthday!
Trevor is so nice to share some of his icing with big brother Caleb (or Caca as Trevor calls him). When you ask Trevor what his name is, he lovingly says, "Treasure." Caleb got the short end of the stick on that one.
Caleb took this lovely picture of mommy and T-rev.
Later that day at the local indoor pool. Trevor wasn't feeling so well (those two year molars are doing a job on him).
You are an amazing child . You have a great sweetness about you, but an even bigger mischievious side. Your dad and I only hope to show you as much love as two parents can. Your big brother Caleb loves you and often refers to you as his best friend. You two can be awesome with each other. You are talking up a storm. You've actually been talking in full sentences for months now. You are full of energy, but you are very cautious so you stick close to my side. You are picky, but you love to eat (especially in the morning--you never get full). You are my baby that is growing up way too fast. I love you more than words can say.
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