Christmas Eve was spent at the Meierhofer's. We always eat together, exchange gifts, and try to play a game before the kiddos have a melt down. This year Libby suggested the kids start opening gifts early to spread out the fun. Below, Caleb is playing with one of his gifts he opened early...a cars art set from Aunt Sarah.
The four oldest kids eating their dinner. They are all growing up way too fast. Little Lydia will be sitting at the table with them next year.
Grandpa and Trevor taking a break to horse around.
Caleb was so much more patient this year with opening his gifts. He was much more appreciative as well. He loved everything he got.
Trevor really enjoyed opening gifts this year.
The boys and their sweet cousins.
We all went outside after opening gifts to spread the "reigndeer food."
Uncle Adam having a serious chat with Trevor.
Making cookies for Santa
Christmas morning.......Santa brought the boys just what they asked for. A puppy! Caleb was so excited, he had pure joy just pouring out of him.
Dash is our puppy's name (after the really fast boy in the movie "The Incredibles"). Dash is smart and fun, and the boys love him.
Daddy and the boys enjoying Christmas morning.
After the excitment of a new puppy and opening a few gifts from Mommy and Daddy, we headed out to my grandmother's house in East Texas. The boys love playing with their Uncle Dustin.
My Grandma and my Mom.
After eating lunch at my Grandma's and hanging out with Dustin and Misty we headed to our new house to check out the new floors and paint. The boys love the new house. Eventually, we will quit calling it the "new house," but since we haven't settled in yet I guess that is what we will call it.
Here, Michael is showing his parents what all he has done. New sheet rock, new paint on the walls, new paint on the cabinets, and new floors installed. Lots of progress!
We headed back to Mike and Libby's and finally made our gingerbread house that I was determined to make by Christmas!
What's more fun than making a house out of candy, icing, and cookies?
Caleb did most of the work, and he was proud of what a great job he did!
Since Christmas, Michael and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on the first of January. It was very laid back, but wonderful to spend some down time with my hubby. We are now living in our house, but still slowly moving in. The storage building is still pretty full, but Michael is determined to have a place for everything and not clutter this house. I want to get it over with, but it is hard for me to say much since I am doing the least of the work. I am organizing things as he brings plastic bins home. The baby's room is about halfway done as well as the boys' room.
Last Wednesday I went to the doctor to find out I am dialated to a two and that I could last another month, or go into labor any day now. My doctor offered to induce me, but I think I will take all the time I can get to prepare for his arrival. This has been a good pregnancy, so I don't want to rush his birth. I had another check up today, and there is no change. Hopefully he will hold out a few more weeks. I am anxious to meet him and hold him for the first time. His heart rate today was 156 beats per minute and my weight gain is a whopping 31 pounds. I better lay off the sweets!
We hope everyone had a very blessed Christmas and New Year.
I so enjoyed your blog. Seeing other family Christmas traditions are neat. Caleb and Trevor are so cute together. I am so excited to meet Little Luke!
i so enjoy your blog too! looks like you had a nice and busy Christmas - just like us! That's a sweet pic of your mom and grandma. I can't believe you only have 2 more weeks!! i'll be so sad that i can't come meet baby luke and help you with the boys while you get adjusted to 3. hopefully mike can take some time off and things will go smoothly for you. we love and miss you tons!! come see us soon!
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