He is finally here!!! He was born early Monday morning (2:17 a.m.), February 9th and he weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. and was 20 inches long. Lucas was stubborn and did not want to show us his beautiful face before or by his due date, which was on February 5th. My doc scheduled an inducement for Sunday night. By 9:30 p.m. they started the pitocin. Since I was doing this overnight they were starting me slowly and expected the actual birth to happen mid-morning on Monday. When I went in I was dialated to a full 3 and having contractions every 30 minutes, so I was ready to go. With the pitocin they gave me ambien to help me sleep. It knocked me out immediately! When I woke up around one in the morning my water broke, and the contractions got pretty intense. I asked for my epidural and the doctor showed up immediately. The drugs kicked in just in time for me to give birth. I pushed through two contractions and Luke was put onto my tummy so I could hold him. It was the easiest birth that I have had! I was so nervous, but I feel so blessed to have had such a great experience.
Here Luke is just minutes old laying close to his mommy!

This is way later that morning with our new little one. What a sweet baby he is.

Grandma Libby brought the big boys by. Their pre-school gave them big brother t-shirts which was a wonderful surprise. The boys were so excited to meet their new brother. It was so sweet. Libby took them to the store to pick out gifts for each of them to bring. They ran down the hallway when they saw Michael. I could hear Trevor yelling "Daddy" and as soon as he got to the door he said, "Look what I got for baby Yuke." That's what he calls him "baby Yuke." Too cute. Caleb was just overwhelmed with happiness. He couldn't wait to hold him and give him a kiss.

We are so blessed and happy to have this new little miracle in our lives. He is so sweet and loveable. I will post more when I have a chance!
We are so excited about the new addition to your sweet family. Another Meierhofer to love! We love you guys so much!
yay!!!! praise God for your easy labor and delivery!! :) i'm so happy for you guys. he's beautiful. i can't wait to see him in person! i can't believe trevor is a big brother....you look great on thiese pics and your boys all look so happy. We love you!
I'm so excited for y'all! What a gift! I will be in town this weekend. Hopefuly I can come by and see your new little blessing! Love you!
What a cute family you all make! I can't wait for Luke to be old enough to play with Lydia! :)
you are very blessed, cant wait to see everyone in May. Hope you guys can make it.
Shawn and Holly
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