Here Luke is being weighed just after his birth.
I love this picture. Our new little boy.

Trevor was so happy to meet baby Luke.

Grandma showing the big brothers how to carefully hold their little brother.

The boys.

Lucas sleeping in the hospital bassinet...what a sweetie.

The excitement on Caleb's face gives me such joy.

Grandma and Trevor with Luke.

Mommy and Luke.

Daddy and Luke

My doc and Luke

This was right before we left the hospital. His outfit was so big on him!

We stopped by Grandma and Grandpa's on the way home and Luke slept in his car seat the whole way. Those were the days!

Caleb adores this little boy!

Dr. Dickey (the boys' pediatrician) and all the boys.

Daddy holding Luke after his first bath.

Luke in his bouncy seat.

Trevor giving Luke a kiss.

Caleb likes to hold Luke...even when nobody is looking (kind of scary).

Baby Luke in his crib.

Sleeping in the bouncy seat.

The first official bath. Luke cried in every bath he took his first month!

Caleb and Trevor playing in the bassinet. Silly boys.

Daddy sleeping with Luke. So sweet.

Luke playing on Mommy's lap.

We took the boys to the Fort Worth botannical garden. They loved running around and feeding the fish. It was a great time until we started to go home and realized we were broken down in Grandma's old van! We had to wait on Grandma and Grandpa and Brad to save us.

After Luke was a week or so old he decided to stop sleeping in his car seat for the most part. This was a special day though because he slept almost the entire time we were at the botannical garden in his car seat. We caught him smiling in his sleep/ His real smiles started coming around 4 and 1/2 weeks.

We know we are blessed to have three healthy beautiful boys. I won't lie...the first month was very hard. There were lots of ups and downs with post partum depression for me. Thank God I had lots of friends and family help me through it. I don't know what I would do without all of them, and without our God. Three boys is a challenge, but I think I'm up for it!
Trevor was so happy to meet baby Luke.
Grandma showing the big brothers how to carefully hold their little brother.
The boys.
Lucas sleeping in the hospital bassinet...what a sweetie.
The excitement on Caleb's face gives me such joy.
Grandma and Trevor with Luke.
Mommy and Luke.
Daddy and Luke
My doc and Luke
This was right before we left the hospital. His outfit was so big on him!
We stopped by Grandma and Grandpa's on the way home and Luke slept in his car seat the whole way. Those were the days!
Caleb adores this little boy!
Dr. Dickey (the boys' pediatrician) and all the boys.
Daddy holding Luke after his first bath.
Luke in his bouncy seat.
Trevor giving Luke a kiss.
Caleb likes to hold Luke...even when nobody is looking (kind of scary).
Baby Luke in his crib.
Sleeping in the bouncy seat.
The first official bath. Luke cried in every bath he took his first month!
Caleb and Trevor playing in the bassinet. Silly boys.
Daddy sleeping with Luke. So sweet.
Luke playing on Mommy's lap.
We took the boys to the Fort Worth botannical garden. They loved running around and feeding the fish. It was a great time until we started to go home and realized we were broken down in Grandma's old van! We had to wait on Grandma and Grandpa and Brad to save us.
After Luke was a week or so old he decided to stop sleeping in his car seat for the most part. This was a special day though because he slept almost the entire time we were at the botannical garden in his car seat. We caught him smiling in his sleep/ His real smiles started coming around 4 and 1/2 weeks.

I can't believe how fast time has gone! He is getting so big! We love you guys, have fun in Colorado!
that's right, you are up for it and you can do it!! :) you're doing a WONDERFUL job! none of it is easy but by God's grace, we can get through. hopefully things will get easier and easier. i can't wait for you guys to come visit. have a great week!
love y'all!
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