Saturday, December 30, 2006

Merry Christmas everyone!

We hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. We had a blast with the boys this year. Caleb finally understands the concept of Christmas as it relates to Santa Claus and lights, music, ect. He asked almost everyday for the month of December, "Is it Christmas yet?" He would get a present and before he even opened it he would exclaim, "I love this present!" What a guy! Since this was Trevor's first Christmas it was very special. Of course he loved the wrapping paper and the bows the most, but what 7 month old doesn't? He is so precious!
Below, Daddy and Caleb are working hard on the very special plate we made for Grandma and Grandpa with both the boys' handprints on it. We went to Grandma and Grandpa Meierhofer's for our annual Chrismas Eve get together. All the kid got totally spoiled, of course! Here, Trevor is working hard on the Christmas cookies for Santa.
Ava and Caleb took their job of making cookies for Santa very seriously. After all, you need to make Santa very happy so he brings you lots of presents. They even put extra sprinkles on each cookie!
We opened presents at our house on Christmas day and played with every single toy, game, or crayon that Caleb received. It was lots of fun. The day after, Mommy took the boys to see their great grandma and Uncle Dustin and Aunt Misty in East Texas. Trevor is tearing into his gift from Uncle Dustin and Aunt Misty. Can you tell he loves the tissue paper the best?
Caleb with his infamous "candy cane" pajamas got an awesome Leap Frog writer from his aunt and uncle.
Aunt Misty takes time to take a picture with little Trevor.
Uncle Dustin helps Caleb with his new toy.
My grandma would kill me if she knew anyone else could see this picture, but it is very special to me because she is such a wonderful woman. My two boys with their great grandma! It was such a wonderful Christmas.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Snow Day

We had such a great time with the boys last week when it snowed! Mommy got to spend all day with her favorite boys. Michael and I got to build the world's smallest snowman with Caleb complete with a bottle cap hat and raisin eyes and nose. Daddy stepped in to help Caleb finish the snowman after I had tried to gather snow without gloves. Ouch! Caleb was a great supervisor!
Daddy and Caleb having such fun in the snow.
Mommy and Caleb freezing their cheeks off!
Caleb was all smiles. He's been asking for snow ever since; praying for it as a matter of fact!
Trevor stayed inside where it was warm. We had such a great day!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Go Vikings!

Can you believe this was Caleb 2 short years ago? He looks like a little football player in this jersey. They grow way too fast. It sure is fun to watch, but sad that it is over so quickly.

Friday, November 17, 2006

A visit from Miss Ava Grace

A couple of weeks ago Ava came to Caleb's soccer game with Grandma and Grandpa. After the game we got to take her to our house for a little playtime with Caleb. They always have a blast with each other, even through the tears and screaming if the other has something that they MUST have! Below Ava is loving on little Trevor before the soccer game. She loves babies! Ava and Grandpa are trying to cheer Caleb on, but he doesn't want to leave Ava's side!
Spaghetti picnic outside--a lot easier to clean up.
Caleb and Ava playing in our ball pit. They had so much fun!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Happy Halloween

Halloween was alot of fun this year. Caleb actually got to enjoy dressing up and deciding what he wanted to be. Trevor was pretty sick with a fever of 103 just a few days before, but he still managed to smile and be cute. We went to Richland Hills Church of Christ's fall festival and got lots of candy, played games and bounced in some really neat bounce houses.
Here Caleb is getting his face painted by a VERY patient Daddy. You all know how 3 year old LOVE to hold still! Caleb was playing a game of toss to win some yummy chocolates.
Caleb the Clown and little froggy Trevor took time to pose for the camera with Daddy. My little cutie-pies!
What a smile! I love that little frog.
Caleb doesn't even look like himself. Everyday after Halloween he would ask to get his face painted. He absolutely loved it.
My little frog with dimples.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Play time

Caleb got a little crazy with the finger paint. He loves pretending that he is a little monster! Trevor just watches Caleb in awe. Caleb will get right up in his face and Trevor just loves it.
Scary! Such a cute monster.
Had to throw this one in of "Coach Mike." He is helping Caleb and the rest of the team practice good sportsmanship by high-fiving the team that just beat our tails!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Caleb's soccer game

Yesterday Caleb had his 2nd soccer game. He actually scored a goal! Too bad it was for the wrong team. He is still at the point where he just follows wherever everyone else is going, but I'm beginning to think we've taught him not to take things away so well that he is afraid to take the ball away from the other team! He has great sportmanship and a wonderful attitude. We think once he gets the concept he will be an awesome soccer player. Caleb is chasing his friends on the soccer field.
Caleb was soooo tired. He was sort of hanging out half the time.
Oh, how this boy hates long sleeves. He kept tugging at his undershirt the whole game.
Trevor was cheering big brother on. "Go Caleb!"
Caleb's taking a little water break.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I love these boys!

Last Sunday we had birthday lunch for Mike at his parents' house. I took the opportunity to catch a few moments of the family. I think everyone was ready for a nap including mommy and daddy, but we still had a great time. "If I look at you like this long enough I am bound to get my way."
Meierhofer boys.
Trevor and Daddy (or should I say Daddy's big nose).
What a happy baby. We are so lucky to have these boys.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Soccer time

Caleb just started playing soccer. This is his very first soccer practice. Michael is the coach of his team. At 3 years old, chasing a shadow is just as much fun as kicking the ball. Although Caleb is using his hands, this is progress considering the rest of practice he spent chasing birds. Caleb is learning how to stop the ball.
"Coach Mike" was having a heck of a time just getting the kids to stay in one place, but here he has a father/son moment with Caleb teaching him some basics of the game.

Yummy food

Trevor ate rice cereal for the first time a couple of weeks ago. He is quite the eater, so he caught on pretty quickly. He weighs in at 16.5 pounds right now and growing...

The Pumpkin Patch

Mommy took Caleb and Trevor to the pumpkin patch in Flowermound with Nicole and her two little girls. Caleb refused to take a nap that day, so he was somewhat "resistant" and Trevor just wasn't too interested in the whole thing. Here is Trevor screaming his little lungs out and Caleb just smiling for the camera.
O.K., it's a little hard to prop a 4 and 1/2 month old up against a pumpkin, so this is the best I could do. I still think he is a cutie-pie.
Mommy loves her boys. Yes, it's still weird to say boys instead of boy.
Caleb loved the pumpkin patch. In fact, he loved it so much he refused to leave. When we finally got in the car he was asleep within minutes!